As a way to demonstrate their pride in the Village of Grafton, more than 40 individuals came together earlier this summer to help beautify and enhance the Village through spirited volunteerism and a love for community. Among the volunteers who helped were Cub Scout Pack #152, Boy Scout Troop #152, Girl Scout Troop #50652 and members of the Grafton Hot Stove team. In addition, their siblings and parents participated in the various volunteer activities, along with a handful of Village personnel. Volunteers planted beautiful flowers and mulched at North Park, Village Hall and Bicentennial Park received a fresh application of mulch and the Willow Park area received a general clean-up. Other places receiving the attention and energy of volunteers were the Veteran’s Memorial and the VFW Hall. In total, more than 120 hours of volunteer time was invested in our community! This effort comes as part of the Annual Lorain County Pride Day initiative, where volunteers from all over the county took time to beautify and enhance their respective communities. The Village of Grafton has always cultivated a spirit of community pride and volunteerism, and this event certainly aligned with such a tradition. The inclusion of so many of our community’s youth was a unique characteristic for this particular Pride Day, which brings a great deal of delight and optimism to Village leaders about the future of our community. On behalf of the Village of Grafton, thank you very much to all the volunteers who participated in the Pride Day event and for your time, efforts and energy to enhancing the wonderful Village of Grafton. We look forward to next year’s Pride Day!