The Village of Grafton Council unanimously approved an agreement to hire Andrew C.G. Lipian as
Grafton’s new Village Administrator starting 01 OCT 2024.
Lipian grew up in Grafton, having graduated from Midview High School in 2006. Lipian transferred to
Oberlin College from LCCC, receiving his Bachelor of Arts degree in 2012. In the middle of Lipian’s
collegiate studies, he joined the Ohio Air National Guard, based out of Mansfield Ohio’s 179th Airlift
Wing (now the 179th Cyber Wing), where he served several deployments overseas to the middle east
and elsewhere in the Aviation Resource Management (ARMS) career field, until being detailed in
2020 as the “Complaints and Resolutions Coordinator,” for The Inspector General’s Complaints
office, the department responsible for investigating complaints of waste, fraud, and abuse in the Air
Force. Lipian would go on to earn his Master’s Degree from the University of Michigan. From there,
Lipian managed the Lorain County Records Center, later being elected Elyria City Council as the
representative for the first ward, being re-elected to a second term in 2023. He also served as
Lorain County’s Economic Development Coordinator before being hired by The Village of Grafton in
June 2024 to fill the position of Special Projects Coordinator, a role from which Linda Bales retired
after a nearly 35-year career in Grafton. When the Administrator job became open, Lipian threw his
hat in the ring.
“I’m honored to be able to serve the community that helped raise me and give all I have to them out
of gratitude for all they gave to me. This is a homecoming moment and a humbling experience. The
people in this fair community know me, helped instill my values and the course for my life. I’m just a
boy from Grafton. The fact I can now give back to them is a feeling I cannot put into words. I’m ready
to get to work.”
Lipian can be reached at alipian@villageofgrafton.org or 440-926-8607 (option 8)