The Village posts its many events so that residents can participate when and where possible. Scroll through the various months below and click on the days to learn more information.
Village of Grafton Council meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month in Council Chambers located in the lower level of Village Hall. - Schedule subject to change, updates will be provided when available - Special meetings of Council may be added and convened by Council, the Mayor or the Administrator when required to […]
April 3, 2023 RE: PLANNED POWER OUTAGE NOTIFICATION Date: THURSDAY APRIL 6TH – 8:30AM to NOON Rain Date: TUESDAY APRIL 11TH - 8:30AM to NOON STREETS: Yarmouth north of Hyanis Wellfleet north of Hyanis All of Brewster Ct All of Washington Dr Dear Grafton Power & Light customer, GVP&L is undergoing a […]
A public townhall meeting will be held at the Village Hall (960 Main St, Grafton, OH 44044) on Wednesday, June 14 at 6:30 pm to discuss the project and address any questions or concerns.
Don't miss this great opportunity for a little fall family fun!
Costume Giving goes from 1200-1pm. Parade steps off at 1pm. See you Sunday, October 27th! 1009 Chestnut St, Grafton, OH 44044
Village of Grafton trick-or-treating will be Thursday, Oct. 31st from 6-7:30 pm.